Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Am Back

I am back....I was going to try and do this blog on a more regular basis but life gets in the way. I am really going to make the effort to write more. I think part of the problem is I am never sure what to talk about here. If I ramble a little or seem to not have a theme or pattern please forgive, maybe as I write more one will come.

My wife and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on Wednesday May 2. We both took the day off of work and had the entire day to ourselves. We started the day being lazy around the house and exchanging cards. After breakfast and coffee (for me, Sharon gave up coffee due to acid re-flux) we headed out to take a hike. We chose a trail at the Lions Den Gorge Nature Preserve in Grafton. I friend Sharon works with told us of these place and we decide to give it a try. The park is located along Lake Michigan off Hwy C. We arrived at the park at approximately 11:00 am. As we started down the trail you could hear the waves crashing along the lake shore. A short way down the trail you come to a vista overlooking the lake. Beautiful views and Sharon took a few pictures. We had a choice of trails and we chose one called the Bluff Trail. The trail follows along the bluffs over looking the lake and at one point we were able to see the Art Deco Lighthouse in Port Washington were we stayed a few weeks ago. The trail winds along in and out of trees and was very peaceful. After a short time we came to steps that lead down to the lake shore. The steps follow a creek that flows downhill and empties into Lake Michigan. We spend some time on the shore watching the waves and looking at the rocks. I found a couple of small stones that I brought back with me to remember the day. We climbed back up the steps and took another trail back to our car. We both enjoyed the hike and being out among nature. We enjoy the fact that we can drive 15-20 minutes and can be away from the city. Our next stop was lunch and what better place to have lunch that Yo Mama. Yo Mama is a frozen yogurt shop that has a variety of different flavors daily and all the toppings you can imagine. You serve yourself and then you pay by the weight. Sharon had the cake batter yogurt and I had a mix of dutch chocolate and coconut. It was delicious!! After lunch we headed home and relaxed for a little while.Okay we both fell asleep, what can I say we love to nap! We woke up, showered and got dressed for dinner. We had dinner at Mr. B's Steakhouse. I had the rib eye steak and Sharon had a filet. The meal was fabulous and the service was excellent. Since we had frozen yogurt for lunch we passed on dessert. We paid our bill and headed home to spend the last part of our day just relaxing and enjoying each others company. I am truly blessed to have found my lovely wife, she makes my life better in so many ways. I hope she had as much fun as I did on our anniversary.

Bye for now but I will be back.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Today is my wife's birthday and I wanted to take time today to tell the story of how we met. I joined the social networking site myspace back in 2005. I wasn't on the site a lot in the beginning but in 2006 I started getting a little more active on it. I fixed up my profile page, added my picture and joined a few groups. One day I got an invite to a group called "Over 40 and Fine". I figured I was over 40 so I joined the group. The group had a message board area where people could post topics of discussion. There were some serious threads and also many fun ones as well. Some were word games where you had to change one letter in a word to make it a new word. There was also a couple of flirty threads as "would you hug the person below you?" and "would you kiss the person below you". It was on this message board I first spotted Sharon. I saw her profile picture and thought WOW! She is cute. I found myself spending more time on the board an responding to her posts when I saw them. I started trying to be the first one to hug or kiss her on those threads. This was late February early March 2006.

We started interacting on the boards more and soon started sending private messages back and forth. We definitely hit it off and soon exchanged phone numbers. I guess I should mention that Sharon is from SE Pennsylvania and that I am from SE Wisconsin. We continued sending messages to each other as well as started talking on the phone on a regular basis. We spend time talking and getting to know each other.We then added web cams to the mix and would have web dates.  Soon I realized I needed to meet her in person. I asked if it would be okay for me to come out to visit her. She enthusiastically agreed. We made plans for me to drive out the weekend between Mother's Day and Memorial Day. I still remember the mix of excitement and nervousness I felt as the time drew nearer. Sharon sent me a package that I was not to open until right before I left. We had a web date and I opened the package. It was a music cd that she had made for my trip, some gum and a few tasty cake snacks.

I left Milwaukee around 10pm to avoid Chicago traffic and started my journey to PA. I had used mapquest to plan out the trip and it would be taking me 14 hours to travel the 841 miles from my home to my hotel. I was very excited the first leg of the trip. I put the cd in and listened to the wonderful songs she had selected for my drive. Somewhere in Ohio in the wee hours of the morning doubts crept into my head. What if she doesn't like me? What if we don't hit it off in person? Am I crazy driving 14 hours to meet a woman in PA? I was questioning my decision when my cell phone rang. I was Sharon she was getting up at home and just the sound of her voice put all my doubts to rest. I talked with her for a few minutes as she needed to get ready for work and I drove to Bob Evan's near Akron Ohio to meet a fellow myspace friend for breakfast. After breakfast I continued on to PA. I remember the first sign you see for a city in PA along I-80 is for the Town of Sharon, PA. I took that as a good omen as that was my goal...Sharon in PA. I stopped at the first rest area in PA to stretch my legs and check the map. The was a woman working the visitor area who ask where I was headed I told her and she responded "You only have 5 and a half more hours to go" I don't think she knew I had been driving for almost 9 hours already.

I made it the rest of the way and checked into my hotel. I showered and tried to take a nap as Sharon was going to pick me up after she got off of work to go to dinner. As tired as I was I could not sleep. Sharon called me when she was done with work. She sounded very excited that I was there. She when home to clean up and then made her way to the hotel. I remember standing on a little porch area waiting for her to arrive. When I saw a gray car pull in I thought I think that is her. The car parked and Sharon got out of the car and walked up to me. I remember hugging her and both of us looking at each other saying I can't believe you are here. Sharon told me she had wondered if I was really going to be there when she got to the hotel. I am so glad I was there, as in turned out that was the first time I held the woman that has made me the happiest man alive. I never knew then that September 2nd would become one of the most important days in my life.

Happy Birthday Sharon!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Childhood Memories

Sharon and I stop for ice cream on our way home from dinner last night. It was a little local drive up ice cream place, Lee's, that has been in business for 40 years. Lately when we go for ice cream it is at Culver's or Kopp's and I either get the flavor of the day or a sundae. ( I know...both Culver's and Kopp's sell frozen custard not ice cream) When we got to Lee's there was a family getting their order. When I saw the soft-serve cone given to the young boy my decision was made. I had to have a soft-serve twist ( vanilla and chocolate ). Eating that cone brought back memories from my childhood. I can remember eating cones with the ice cream dripping down my hands and chin. It reminded me of those care-free summer days of my youth. Running around playing with the neighborhood kids. The baseball games, capture the flag, riding our bikes, playing in the woods and waiting for the porch light to go on, the signal it was time to go home. In today's hustle and bustle world of work, work, work we need to stop once in awhile and remember the carefree times of our youth. I would like to thank that family and their young son who helped me remember some of my childhood memories.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting Started

Why a blog Scott? You are 46 years old and have never written anything in your life. What to you possible have to write about? Who wants to read about an average middle aged man from Wisconsin?

All good questions. I don't really know the answer to any of them. I guess I am just looking for a place to write some thoughts, vent some frustrations, remind myself of the good things in my life and learn to open up a little. I find that I keep things bottled up at times. I tend to withdraw  when things are bothering me. I am getting better with the help of the woman I wife Sharon. She has been a blessing in my life. I am still not sure what I have done to deserve such a wonderful woman.As the days and weeks go by I will tell the story of how we met.

I guess my first blog should be a little about me and who I am.

I am a 46 year old male from Wisconsin. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wi.  I currently live in Waukesha with my wife of almost 16 months Sharon. I have two siblings: older sister Linda and younger brother Mike. If I am honest I think Mike is a big reason for this blog, more on that to come. I am a huge Packer's fan and I am sure we will explore that in the days ahead as well. I was a meatcutter for 24 years for a couple of major grocery stores in the Milwaukee area. I am currently a Union Representative for UFCW Local 1473. After years of being out of shape, I am now going to the gym religiously and trying to get into shape. I am sure a part of this blog will be talking about that journey as well.

You might be wondering why I named my blog "Livin The Dream" it comes from a sports radio host here in town who tells everyone he is living the dream when he is asked how he is doing. I now use it in my daily life when asked, because it is a reminder to myself that I am truly a lucky man. It is also I little pick me up on days I might be a little down. I going to go for now but I will return.
